Help stop cruel Brumby shooting by Parks Victoria
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Please help stop the cruel shooting of our beautiful wild Brumby horses.
Australian Brumby Alliance Inc (ABA) has commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria against Parks Victoria.
Australian Brumby Alliance alleges that Parks Victoria’s inhumane killing of Brumbies by gunshot is unlawful and does not comply with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
Over-population of non-native species does not give Parks Victoria a ticket to inhumanely kill for population control.
Photos have emerged of horses and tiny foals killed by gunshot. Sadly, there is evidence of immense suffering.
Parks Victoria have chosen cruelty instead of common sense and compassion by shooting our beautiful, sentient wild Brumby horses.
There are kinder alternatives available to the Australian Labor Party in Victoria to control wild Brumby populations but the Andrew’s Government has chosen lethal methods.
Victorian Brumby numbers can be controlled by humane methods, such as fertility control which has been used successfully in the USA for over 40 years and rehoming which stopped in Victoria when shooting began.
If ABA is successful in the case, Parks Victoria will have to stop the inhumane killing and shooting of Brumbies and instead use humane methods of control-which is exactly what the ABA have been calling on them to do for the last 14 years.
ABA has asked for the case to be heard quickly, given the inhuman shooting and killing of Brumbies continues.
Legal action is expensive but vital to stop any more suffering of these unique innocent animals.
Please donate to this Court action and share this fundraiser far and wide.
You can read more about Australian Brumby Alliance Inc here:
Many thanks,
Jill Pickering and the ABA committee and supporters
Photo: Thanks to “My Big Backyard Photography “ of Bogong mare and foal.
Patricia Hoelmer
Melbourne, VIC