Sue Torres - Unexpected Expenses
Hi, my name is Raven and my boyfriend is Rob, and we live in Shelby NC.
Rob was born and raised in beautiful San Diego, California and I lived there for a short time - we have moved to be closer to my family, and have lived in North Carolina for several years. We haven't been back to San Diego in a few years, but we stay in contact with family and many many friends. Rob has an older sister who lives in Escondido, her name is Sue Torres. On Sunday morning we learned that on Saturday night, Sue was visited by the California Highway Patrol - what she was told would be a shock and a tragedy, that would change her life forever.
Rob's sister Sue lost her husband Jerry Torres to a tragedy on a California Highway. Robs brother-in-law Jerry Torres was in a terrible accident - he was the bicyclist who lost his life on SR-78 . Jerry was riding on the freeway and was struck by a vehicle, he died at the scene. Sue will never see her husband again. She has little to no resources to pay for what expenses lie ahead.
Jerry was a good man, he and Sue had started a new life together, he had his struggles but was working on overcoming them - he had a good heart, and was a friend to all who met him, he had a great smile that warmed a room.
Rob and I asked Sue if we could set up a GoFundMe page to help her - as she is at a loss of how she will afford to take care of all the expenses that come with this type of emergency - the unexpected loss of her husband. Please consider a donation in any amount to help Sue during this difficult time, we're hoping to reach our goal in the next 10 days.