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Please help Sue Derendal with her ALS

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**GoFundMe Written & Organized by Cheryl Cappo (Sue's Sister) and Deb & Jeff Metcalfe (Sue's Brother-in-Law & Sister-in-Law)**

We are starting this GoFundMe for our sister/sister-in-law Suzanne Derendal  (Sue) who was just diagnosed with ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (aka Lou Gehrig's disease). ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord causing the loss of muscle control.  This includes the loss of the ability to eat, speak, move and to breathe. There is no cure.  And as life isn't cruel enough, her daughter Samantha was just diagnosed the same week with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and will be starting chemotherapy.

Sue is a patient at MGH Healey Center in Boston and  fortunate to be receiving the very best medical care. But with the bulbar onset of ALS, she is already faced with speech and swallowing difficulties.  She is suffering from increasing weakness, lack of energy and side effects of new medications.  She has already had a GTube placed for nutrition and fluids as she has experienced a significant weight loss and unable to eat or drink enough on her own. 

Brent Metcalfe, Sue's husband of 23 years, is doing everything he can to support both Sue and Samantha.  He is their emotional support and Sue's constant companion, her voice, advocate and her angel.  He has already saved her from choking on several occasions. Brent provides rides and support for doctor appointments, maintains the home and care of their huskies, their "kids".  In addition, he works as a hospice nurse.

They have already incurred substantial medical expenses due to huge insurance deductibles, co-pays, trips to doctor appointments and medications not covered by insurance.  Unfortunately, a prescribed medication to help slow the progression of the disease is not covered by insurance and too costly to pay for by the family.  There are also numerous equipment items Sue will require as the disease progresses  and she is unable to keep up with her activities of daily living. They will also require assistance to keep up with managing their home and meals and already have some issues with reliable transportation.

As many of you know, Sue is the owner of Sue's Pet Services of Plymouth.  She IS Sue's Pet Services!! Sue is the most compassionate, caring Pet Sitter ever!  She loves everyone's pets as if they were her own.  She has devoted her life to the loving care and rescuing of dogs, cats and other pets.  The pandemic had already taken a toll on her business and now she is faced with losing so many of her clients and their beloved pets because of this ALS diagnosis.

If you were to ask Sue how she is feeling today, she would say "Fine!" because that is the type of person she is.  She will not complain and is being so very positive about life; considering each day to be a gift.  She inspires us all with her faith and positivity and is determined to make the most of each day regardless of the unimaginable circumstances she is faced with. Her husband Brent shares the same attitude and is grateful for each day with the love of his life.
We are reaching out to family, friends and the community to support this wonderful family.  Please consider donating whatever you can to assist Sue and Brent as they face these medical challenges now and in the future. Feel free to share words of encouragement and please know how much we appreciate your prayers and help. 

Thank you so very much.


  • Bob Davidson
    • $400 
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $500 
    • 1 yr
  • Pamela Ranheim
    • $200 
    • 1 yr
  • Kayla Baker
    • $100 
    • 1 yr

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Cheryl Cappo, Deb & Jeff Metcalfe (2)

Deborah Metcalfe
Plymouth, MA
Brent Metcalfe
Cheryl Cappo
Team member

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