Help Suha Bring Autism Care to Palestine
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Hi! I’m Suha – and three years ago I founded Autism Superhero Palestine, a nonprofit organization to support families, mothers and children. Since our launch, we are now serving 350 families, offering programs in two categories: Education and Direct Services.
I firmly believe that it takes a village to help a child with autism, so my first area of concentration is to educate families on autism beyond the name, conduct support groups, train parents and caregivers on behavioral methods, and provide guidance on how to navigate the school system.
I created this non-profit because I am a mother with a child on the spectrum in the West Bank. And I needed to support my son.
In Palestine, there are no official statistics on the number of children diagnosed with autism. The government infrastructure to provide resources and services doesn’t exist, resulting in a lack of comprehensive autism centers and specialized experts in the field, including diagnosticians and therapists. Awareness is low and poverty is high, leading to incredible hardships experienced by families with special needs.
So I became the infrastructure.
And I continue in my journey as a leader in this space by learning best practices and standards of autism care throughout the world. I am currently trying to get to the United Arab Emirates to participate in the World Congress on Rehabilitation (a fancy way of saying vocational services for adults).
Help me get there! I need to bring this home to support my community.
Suha Najjir
St Louis, MO
Autism Superhero Palestine