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Help Summer recover from being kicked out

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Hello I am Summer, a 24 year old trans women living in San Antonio Texas. 

2 weeks ago I was kicked out of my parents home and had to unexpectedly move into an apartment. Between fees, a U-Haul, and various other expenses I am short about $650 from rent. Along with that, I don’t have enough money for groceries until my next paycheck. My girlfriend has helped me by buying a bed and various things for the apartment like shower soap, trash bags, basic dishes, and even some rent money. She has exhausted all of her savings and also at the moment only has enough left in her bank for gas so she can still go to work.

Please, anything you can donate helps, and if not, word of mouth is also greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


  • Anonym
    • $500 
    • 7 d
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 8 d
  • Kyle MacDonald
    • $5 
    • 9 d
  • Lillian Lines
    • $10 
    • 9 d
  • Elias Kaufmann
    • $30 
    • 9 d


Summer Flores
San Antonio, TX

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