Support for Oaxacan Elder (Bolis el Oaxaco)
Donation protected
Faustino is doing a lot better; however, Faustino can still use additional support. Please refer to Instagram posts @Secretoceans on ways you can do so. You can also venmo him directly @ Faustino-Martinez-11. Any additional funds made to his page will be sent there.
Opening Clause:
Faustino wants to let people know that he is a very honorable, hard-working man. Unfortunately, because of especially hard circumstances he feels, right now, the only way he can support himself is through mutual aid.
Faustino Martinez is a Oaxacan elder (66) and street vendor (Paletero/Icicle-Seller) who has been affected severely by the Pandemic. When shutdowns began in late March of last year, he could no longer resort to selling paletas (/icicles). As a result, Faustino began looking for employment but had difficulty finding sustainable work as an elder. When restrictions were lifted, he immediately went back to selling, but his business has not been the same since.
Since the Pandemic started, Faustino has struggled to keep up with his rent, other debts, and medical care for his wife. Additionally, in mid-February, Faustino did not have temporary access to his home. Living with his landlord, he understands the frustration and uncertainty that they were feeling, but it was not fair for him to have experienced such anxiety and, let alone, late into the night. Only after the Oaxacan community and other concerned individuals came together to help Faustino was he allowed entrance into his home. He is very grateful that community efforts and considerate beings helped him secure this month’s rent and additional months of backlog. As a result of all this, we are looking for long-term solutions to support Faustino, including relocation and encouraging his dreams.
What this money will be used for:
We are asking for at least 9,000 to pay off his debt (which includes rent, cost of living, medical care, etc.) and hopefully, to be able to buy a street vending cart and, maybe later into the future, a car. The pictures below are Faustino’s dream cars for his business. Though Faustino uses coolers to sell his product, we believe a cart would be less physically strenuous. For now, any support will also help him be housing secure. Long term, Faustino hopes these upgrades will allow him to incur enough revenue to support living elsewhere.
His words:
Faustino in his own words, thanks the community for the donations. That he feels very happy to have this community with him, that in these recent months he has felt that he has a home here. In the long term, Faustino dreams of opening up his own store where he can support local people like himself. He considers himself an honorable man and wants to ensure the rights of street vendors everywhere. Thank you for making a motions to these dreams.
Melodie Cuevas has been working with Faustino throughout this process. She is responsible for turning in these funds. Melodie will ensure a measure of accountability, including proof stubs (and transferring this amount to Faustino’s Venmo) if you prefer to donate to his Venmo it is Faustino-Martinez-11. Thank you.
En español:
Faustino quiere que la gente sepa que es un hombre muy honorable y trabajador. Desafortunadamente, debido a circunstancias especialmente difíciles, el siente, en este momento, la única forma en que puede mantenerse es mediante la ayuda de la comunidad.
Faustino Martínez es un anciano oaxaqueño (66 años) y vendedor ambulante (Paletero) que ha sido afectado gravemente por la pandemia. Cuando comenzaron los paros (shutdowns) a finales de marzo del año pasado, ya no pudo seguir vendiendo paletas. Por eso, Faustino empezó a buscar empleo, pero tuvo dificultades para encontrar un trabajo sostenible por ser mayor. Cuando se levantaron las restricciones, volvió inmediatamente a vender, pero su negocio no ha sido el mismo desde entonces.
Desde que comenzó la pandemia, Faustino ha tenido que luchar para mantener su renta, otras deudas y la atención médica de su esposa. Además, a mediados de febrero, Faustino no tenía acceso temporal a su casa. Al vivir con el dueño de la casa, entiende la frustración y la inseguridad que sentían, pero no era justo para él haber vivido tanta ansiedad y, mucho menos, hasta las últimas horas de la noche. Sólo después de que la comunidad oaxaqueña y otras personas preocupadas se unieran para ayudar a Faustino, se le permitió entrar a su casa. Está muy agradecido de que los esfuerzos de la comunidad y los seres considerados le hayan ayudado a conseguir la renta de este mes y los meses adicionales de retraso. Como resultado de todo esto, estamos buscando soluciones permanentes para apoyar a Faustino, incluyendo la reubicación y el apoyo de sus sueños.
Cómo se utilizará este dinero:
Pedimos al menos 9,000 para pagar su deuda (que incluye la renta, el costo de la vida, la atención médica, etc.) y, ojalá, para poder comprar un carrito de venta ambulante y, quizá más adelante, un carro. Las fotos de abajo son los coches que sueña Faustino para su negocio. Aunque Faustino utiliza hieleras para vender su producto, creemos que un carro sería menos pesado físicamente. Por ahora, cualquier apoyo también le ayudará a tener una vivienda segura. A largo plazo, Faustino espera que estas ayudas le permitan obtener suficientes ingresos para poder vivir en otro lugar.
Sus Palabras:
Faustino en sus propias palabras, agradece a la comunidad por las donaciones. Que se siente muy feliz de tener a esta comunidad con él, que en estos últimos meses ha sentido que tiene un hogar aquí. A largo plazo, Faustino sueña con abrir su propia tienda donde pueda apoyar a la comunidad local. Se considera un hombre honorable y quiere garantizar los derechos de los vendedores ambulantes en todas partes. Gracias por hacer gestos a estos sueños.
Melodie Cuevas ha estado trabajando con Faustino durante todo este proceso. Ella es responsable de entregar estos fondos. Melodie garantizará una medida de responsabilidad, incluidos los comprobantes (y la transferencia de esta cantidad al Venmo de Faustino) si prefiere donar a su Venmo, es Faustino-Martinez-11. Gracias.
Faustino is doing a lot better; however, Faustino can still use additional support. Please refer to Instagram posts @Secretoceans on ways you can do so. You can also venmo him directly @ Faustino-Martinez-11. Any additional funds made to his page will be sent there.
Opening Clause:
Faustino wants to let people know that he is a very honorable, hard-working man. Unfortunately, because of especially hard circumstances he feels, right now, the only way he can support himself is through mutual aid.
Faustino Martinez is a Oaxacan elder (66) and street vendor (Paletero/Icicle-Seller) who has been affected severely by the Pandemic. When shutdowns began in late March of last year, he could no longer resort to selling paletas (/icicles). As a result, Faustino began looking for employment but had difficulty finding sustainable work as an elder. When restrictions were lifted, he immediately went back to selling, but his business has not been the same since.
Since the Pandemic started, Faustino has struggled to keep up with his rent, other debts, and medical care for his wife. Additionally, in mid-February, Faustino did not have temporary access to his home. Living with his landlord, he understands the frustration and uncertainty that they were feeling, but it was not fair for him to have experienced such anxiety and, let alone, late into the night. Only after the Oaxacan community and other concerned individuals came together to help Faustino was he allowed entrance into his home. He is very grateful that community efforts and considerate beings helped him secure this month’s rent and additional months of backlog. As a result of all this, we are looking for long-term solutions to support Faustino, including relocation and encouraging his dreams.
What this money will be used for:
We are asking for at least 9,000 to pay off his debt (which includes rent, cost of living, medical care, etc.) and hopefully, to be able to buy a street vending cart and, maybe later into the future, a car. The pictures below are Faustino’s dream cars for his business. Though Faustino uses coolers to sell his product, we believe a cart would be less physically strenuous. For now, any support will also help him be housing secure. Long term, Faustino hopes these upgrades will allow him to incur enough revenue to support living elsewhere.
His words:
Faustino in his own words, thanks the community for the donations. That he feels very happy to have this community with him, that in these recent months he has felt that he has a home here. In the long term, Faustino dreams of opening up his own store where he can support local people like himself. He considers himself an honorable man and wants to ensure the rights of street vendors everywhere. Thank you for making a motions to these dreams.
Melodie Cuevas has been working with Faustino throughout this process. She is responsible for turning in these funds. Melodie will ensure a measure of accountability, including proof stubs (and transferring this amount to Faustino’s Venmo) if you prefer to donate to his Venmo it is Faustino-Martinez-11. Thank you.
En español:
Faustino quiere que la gente sepa que es un hombre muy honorable y trabajador. Desafortunadamente, debido a circunstancias especialmente difíciles, el siente, en este momento, la única forma en que puede mantenerse es mediante la ayuda de la comunidad.
Faustino Martínez es un anciano oaxaqueño (66 años) y vendedor ambulante (Paletero) que ha sido afectado gravemente por la pandemia. Cuando comenzaron los paros (shutdowns) a finales de marzo del año pasado, ya no pudo seguir vendiendo paletas. Por eso, Faustino empezó a buscar empleo, pero tuvo dificultades para encontrar un trabajo sostenible por ser mayor. Cuando se levantaron las restricciones, volvió inmediatamente a vender, pero su negocio no ha sido el mismo desde entonces.
Desde que comenzó la pandemia, Faustino ha tenido que luchar para mantener su renta, otras deudas y la atención médica de su esposa. Además, a mediados de febrero, Faustino no tenía acceso temporal a su casa. Al vivir con el dueño de la casa, entiende la frustración y la inseguridad que sentían, pero no era justo para él haber vivido tanta ansiedad y, mucho menos, hasta las últimas horas de la noche. Sólo después de que la comunidad oaxaqueña y otras personas preocupadas se unieran para ayudar a Faustino, se le permitió entrar a su casa. Está muy agradecido de que los esfuerzos de la comunidad y los seres considerados le hayan ayudado a conseguir la renta de este mes y los meses adicionales de retraso. Como resultado de todo esto, estamos buscando soluciones permanentes para apoyar a Faustino, incluyendo la reubicación y el apoyo de sus sueños.
Cómo se utilizará este dinero:
Pedimos al menos 9,000 para pagar su deuda (que incluye la renta, el costo de la vida, la atención médica, etc.) y, ojalá, para poder comprar un carrito de venta ambulante y, quizá más adelante, un carro. Las fotos de abajo son los coches que sueña Faustino para su negocio. Aunque Faustino utiliza hieleras para vender su producto, creemos que un carro sería menos pesado físicamente. Por ahora, cualquier apoyo también le ayudará a tener una vivienda segura. A largo plazo, Faustino espera que estas ayudas le permitan obtener suficientes ingresos para poder vivir en otro lugar.
Sus Palabras:
Faustino en sus propias palabras, agradece a la comunidad por las donaciones. Que se siente muy feliz de tener a esta comunidad con él, que en estos últimos meses ha sentido que tiene un hogar aquí. A largo plazo, Faustino sueña con abrir su propia tienda donde pueda apoyar a la comunidad local. Se considera un hombre honorable y quiere garantizar los derechos de los vendedores ambulantes en todas partes. Gracias por hacer gestos a estos sueños.
Melodie Cuevas ha estado trabajando con Faustino durante todo este proceso. Ella es responsable de entregar estos fondos. Melodie garantizará una medida de responsabilidad, incluidos los comprobantes (y la transferencia de esta cantidad al Venmo de Faustino) si prefiere donar a su Venmo, es Faustino-Martinez-11. Gracias.
Gema Cuevas
Los Angeles, CA