Help Support Betty Noonan
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Love. That is a word that definitely describes our beloved Betty Noonan. She loves passionately and has sacrificially given her whole life to all she has known and loved. Now she is facing a need to receive, although that goes against her nature because she wants to be the giver. Will you help? Every bit helps. And every bit is needed now.
On April 14th, she was found on the floor of her bedroom and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Thankfully there were no serious injuries but after a hospital stay and a trip to a rehab facility, she was transferred to a care center in Waukesha where she resides at this time. Insurance has denied coverage after the first couple of weeks.
She has an urgent, immediate need for financial support. After which she is going to need consistent support until arrangements can be made to sell her precious home since 1977.
All contributions will go directly to Betty's most vital needs: lodging, care, transportation to and from her rigorous medical appointments, and support.
Because she is a giver, there is no cushion and her own resources have been depleted.
We know that those who love her and have been touched by her generous spirit will rally to her aid now in her time of need. This is an urgent, and immediate need.
You can also help her by sponsoring transport for her medical appointments. Or, if you or someone who can help with this it would be a tremendous blessing! It is $129 per trip to pay for transportation for her because she needs assistance transferring in and out of the vehicle. There can be 2 appointments each week, so that adds up quickly.
There are also costs to maintain and update her house until it can be readied to sell. In the interim, the campaign goal may fluctuate as more needs arise or are taken care of.
Maybe you can think of something to help that we haven't thought of.
God bless you for your generosity and the love you will be pouring out on Betty. She has sown and sown. Now it is time for her to reap.
Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.