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Help Support Eric Soderman

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The friends and family of Eric Soderman are looking to the community to help him out during his treatments and recovery from cancer. Eric was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in December and began a painful series of tests and treatments. Those of you who know Eric understand that he takes a lot of pride in working hard and making his own way through life. He doesn't share his suffering openly and he won't ask for help unless it's help finishing a job. If you don't know Eric, just know that he is a small business owner who takes a lot of pride in his work ethic and by doing quality work. Eric also makes a lot of his time available to people for advocacy, helping people resolve conflicts. The surgery and radiation have made it almost impossible for Eric to have lengthy conversations. 

All of that being said, those closest to him have seen first hand the devastation caused by this disease. Months ago, the physical manifestations of the cancer and the side effects of the treatments began impacting Eric financially. He has to put in a 2 hour round trip five days a week for radiation treatments, on top of travel to frequent doctor's follow ups and chemotherapy. Since he is unable to perform much of the demanding physical labor his business does, he has had to take on two additional part time employees this winter who will ramp into full time employees this spring and summer. 

This campaign is focused on helping Eric recoup his personal costs. The loss of wages in his personal life by paying two other new employees as well as the cost of wear, tear and gas on his vehicle to make it to his appointments. In addition, he has equipment and vehicle malfunctions that he is unable to tend to at this time due to his poor health and financial constraints. The funds will also be allocated in part to help recognize the friends, family members, and employees who have stepped up to help Eric personally and help his business. 

The goal seems lofty, but anything you are able to give will help ease an enormous load placed upon a diligent and hardworking member of Cadillac's small business community. 

Je soutiens


  • Anonyme
    • 100 $
    • 5 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 50 $
    • 5 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 1 000 $
    • 5 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 500 $
    • 5 ans
  • Kevin Staley
    • 250 $
    • 5 ans
Je soutiens

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

John Kitchen
Amber, MI
Eric Soderman

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