Help Support For Many Medical Bills and Issues
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Hi this is Jennifer...I have had so many messages asking how my husband and I are and it has been very hard to keep up. We are both now on a long road ahead to recovery of rehab tests and Medical issues. Our story: Rob my husband had a stroke and went to the hospital. When I went to that hospital the net day I had a major heart attack in the E.R. before I could even go to his room. I was revived 3 times and paddled 20 times. The doctors were surprised I made it through that. An emergency stint put was put into my heart through my leg area. From that stint insertion my veins were damaged when pulling the stint out causing blockage in my leg. Emergency vascular surgery was done on my leg but was unsuccessful and my leg started to die which ended up in 2 amputations of my leg. First one below my knee then a second one above my knee. I was in I C U for over a week then to a room and now in for a very long road to rehab. Rob was there every day and night at my side after just having a stroke. You never know what life will throw at you but we are trying out very best to stay strong. All of our family and friends who have sent and gave Prayers and support how can we ever thank you enough. There are just not enough words. But we do thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. Family and friendship is so rewarding and special. We seen many asking about helping us with donations. Cindi and another friend of ours Lee both put up a Zelle donation link and a Pay Pal Link and many have been asking us for a go Fund me link. Cindi was trying to do a Go Fund Me but having trouble getting that to work. So we all decided for us to try the Go Fund Me here. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. Zelle is a bank link or you can use this Go Fund Me here. All help is appreciated a message or post or phone call or if you would like to help through one of these donation options. Thank You

Jennifer Ormiston Novak
Garden City, MI