Help Support Heather and Kids
A fun family day turned tragic when Jaden accidentally fell off the dock. Malik's first instinct was to save his baby, So he jumped in not knowing how to swim trying to do everything he could to save Jaden. They were both going under while everyone was trying to get help when a brave young man jumped in and grabbed Jaden from Malik... He wanted to save them both but he hardley knew how to swim hisself. By the time Jaden got out Malik was taken by the current. After two searches of the Mississippi River there was no luck of finding Malik. Today they indefinitely suspended the search until they have sighting of him. Malik left behind Heather which was his high school sweetheart, and two little boys Jaden 6 years old and Joziah 2 weeks old. Anything you can do to help them during this tragedy would be greatly appreciated!