Help Support Kiss Family for premature baby Colter Rain
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Michelle and I am Steve and Krystals neighbor and friend.
On Jan 3rd 2025 baby Colter Rain Kiss was born via c-section at 25 weeks 4 days, due to placenta abruption. Weighing 1lb 13oz
Steve and Krystal have a 5 year old son Dax and 1 year old twins Easton and Everly at home. Baby Colter is in the biggest fight of his life and to aleavate some of the stress of funds that are going to accumulate from traveling back and forth to hospital, food, parking etc.
I ask you to open open up your hearts and make a donation of any value to support the Kiss Family during this long and hard road ahead.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Pray for Colter
Organizer and beneficiary
Michelle Farrow
St Andrews, MB
Krystal Kiss