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support kris & Billy families

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We are heartbroken by the loss of two cherished members of our family at the Irish Parachute Club, little Kacper, son of our dear friend and fellow skydiver Kris, and Billy, a true gentlemen and a thoughtful and great pilot. This is a difficult time for us all. I know that our skydiving family and the wider community want to come together and do what we can to support the families affected by this tragic accident. I myself have a son the same age as Kacper who loves planes. Having met Kacper at the club I know he was such a beautiful boy who would touch anyone’s heart. Please everyone let’s support their families at this tragic time. Every donation counts, no amount is too small or too big. Let’s show these families what they mean to us all. Please feel free to share this gofundme page with all your family and friends.


  • Alistair Longworth
    • €25
    • 6 yrs


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