Help Support Noah Graves & the Graves Family
The unexpected passing of Mike Graves has had a major impact on his son Noah Graves, the Graves family and all those who knew him.
Mikey and Noah's bond is one that can not be broken even with his passing. Although heavily shaken with his fathers passing, their love, their commitment to each other, the times spent side by side for the past 21 years will not fail. Best friends is an understatement, they where true sole mates.
From a little boy when Noah or Mikey where leaving each other, they'd exchange with excitement "I LOVE YOU DAD" and Mikey would say "I love you too Noah." Noah and Mikey always proclaimed their love for each other and usually sealed it with a BIG BEAR HUG. If you've ever seen, heard or felt their Bear Hugs, you know they where filled with genuine Love. Mikey was and will forever be his Hero.
As a Brother, you couldn't top him. Mikey was absolutely the the best there was. Being his baby brother, I was often spoiled by his attention. ( Don't get me wrong, me and Mikey fought like cats and dogs as kids) My brother Mikey NEVER let me down. There was never a time I called on Mike that he didn't come to my rescue. Even as life took us down different roads and we made different choices, my love for my brother was always 100%. His for me was always 110% To his last day, he greeted me with a good morning text as he did almost every day. Those texts usually said something like , Hey brother, good morning, what a beautiful day it is, be safe out there and know I love you. Talk to you later. I'd give all that I have for one more morning text. Although he was a little harder to wrangle up for my sister, I know he helped her countless times with things around her house. A few that might still need some attention (j/k) His love for Brenda and Richard, (our eldest brother) ran deep.
As a friend, Mikey was the pinnacle of what a True Friend was. Mikey always put his friends before himself. Mikey was the go to guy for everything. If you called Mikey for help, he was there before you could hang up. If you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there. If you fell short and needed money to get buy, he'd give you his last dollar. If you needed a resource that Mikey couldn't do himself, he knew a guy. Mikey was THE GUY! ALL his friends got their fair share. Mikey without a doubt was the life of the party. He lit up the room when he entered, the Mike-isms where legendary, his smile so soothing, his jokes to much, his sense of humor untouchable. Mikey made every situation better. Mikey loved his friend.
As an Uncle, his nieces and nephews where spoiled. They would all run to him when they heard him come into the room. They would always be by his side, always listening attentively to all his stories, laughing, giggling, smiling and always there to fetch him a beer. Mikey was very generous with his nieces and nephews. They all knew how to play on his heart strings and get anything they wanted.
As you can see he meant a lot to many. His passing will be heavy on all our hearts for years to come. Please help us fulfil his request and final send off. You know what Mike Graves would say, Go BIG or go Home. We want to make sure he has the greatest send off possible. Love the Graves Family.