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Support Our Hero Shane! Netflix “The Pharmacist”

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My name is Vanessa and I’m the niece of Dan and Annie Schneider.  They reached out to me to help them help Shane.    This is 100% legit and ALL money raised will go to our hero!  If you have any questions you are more than welcome to send me an email at [E-Mail ausgeblendet]

Please consider supporting Shane Madding as she struggles with poor health and finances.  Any donation is greatly appreciated!

”Shane Madding is the true Super Hero from the Netflix docuseries “The Pharmacist”.  She risked her life along with her families to help me seek justice for Danny.  If it weren’t for her none of this would have transpired.  Praise God for protecting us both!”  

Dan Schneider “The Pharmacist”. 



  • Missy Taylor
    • $25 
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Vanessa DeJean
Lacombe, LA
Shane Madding

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