Help Support Erin Koegel's Recovery
DISCLAIMER: IF YOU ARE A LOBBYIST YOU ARE PROHIBITED FROM DONATING TO ERIN'S GO FUND ME. *Note that all lobbyist that have donated will be refunded ASAP.
On Sunday, August 22nd Erin Koegel had a life changing accident. While using her power saw she lost control of the machine and cut off 3 fingers (middle, ring and pinky) on her left hand. Erin was very lucky to have her brother's girlfriend, Hannah with her who is a trained EMT who immediately helped get Erin stable and stop the bleeding.
Erin was transported to North Memorial by a helicopter that landed on Hwy 11 near Longville and brought her to the hospital for an emergency surgery to try and save her fingers. The doctor was able to re-attach her middle finger but the ring and pinky finger were unable to be saved.
This Go Fund me is being created to help support Erin, a beloved 3rd term Minnesota State Representative for District 37A and her family after this life altering accident.
Erin and her Husband Steve have a two year old daughter Clara that Erin cares for full time when the MN House is not in session -- and her husband needs to return to work to support the family. Donations to Erin's Go Fund me will help the family with hiring a mommy's helper / child care, food and necessities for the family while Erin recovers from this accident.
Thank you all for your kindness and generosity.
Note: This Go Fund me directly goes to the Koegel Family. This fund is not for campaign use. Any remaining funds the family does not use in aiding in Erin's recovery will go to an organization that aids and assists persons with limb loss.
Erin's Friend from the Legislature,