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Help Support the Ashworth Family

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The Ashworth family is a family that most people dreamed of having. The love, compassion and empathy that came from them was enveloping. If they had it to give and you needed it they would give the shirt off there back. Mike and Suzy were married for 10 years and had 4 beautiful children. Suzy is a stay at home mom and on March 29,2019 Suzy faced a tragedy that no wife or mother should ever have to face. I’m sitting here writing this at a loss for words. Mike was in a fatal motorcycle accident on I-5 as Suzy was driving behind him and watched the love of her life and father of her children take his last breath. Suzy is going to need all the love and support she can get right now. She needs time to heal and not have to worry about anything financial right now. We are asking for anything that you can donate at the moment. It would be so appreciated. So Suzy doesn’t have to stress about upcoming bills, food costs, and memorial services for her husband. Suzy just needs to be able to take some time with her children and grieve the best she can. All the Thank You’s in advance


  • Jessica Herring
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Ramie Faust
Marysville, WA

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