Help Support the Men & Women's Basketball of BIH
Donation protected
The six national basketball teams of Bosnia and Herzegovina will participate in major world competitions over the next two months. Two cadet and junior European championships in the next 20 days, followed by the participation of the men's senior national team at the Eurobasket in September; as well as the historic performance of the women's senior selection at the World Cup in Australia.
The Basketball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina have secured part of the funds for the preparation of our national teams (with the help of sponsors and a part of institutions) but the costs are too high and there is a real danger that our selections will not go to the mentioned competitions without additional assistance.
Therefore, we invite all true patriots and lovers of Bosnia and Herzegovina sports, to help by donating, anything helps. Our women and men deserve support, they play with their hearts, for their country, and we simply cannot allow our teams to be sidelined due to funds. Please share this initiative to anyone that loves B&H sports and let’s watch our teams compete on the biggest and brightest stage.
Šest košarkaških reprezentacija Bosne i Hercegovine će u naredna dva mjeseca učestvovati na velikim svjetskim takmičenjima. Dva kadetska i juniorska evropska prvenstva u narednih 20 dana, nakon čega slijedi učešće muške seniorske reprezentacije na Eurobasketu u septembru; kao i istorijski nastup ženske seniorske selekcije na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Australiji.
Košarkaški savez Bosne i Hercegovine je osigurao dio sredstava za pripreme naših reprezentacija (uz pomoć sponzora i dijela institucija), ali su troškovi previsoki i postoji realna opasnost da naše selekcije ne prođu na navedena takmičenja bez dodatne pomoći.
Stoga pozivamo sve istinske patriote i zaljubljenike u bosanskohercegovački sport, da pomognu donacijom, sve pomaže. Naše žene i muškarci zaslužuju podršku, igraju srcem, za svoju državu i jednostavno ne možemo dozvoliti da naši timovi izostanu zbog sredstava. Molimo podijelite ovu inicijativu sa svima koji vole bh. sport i hajde da gledamo naše ekipe kako se takmiče na najvećoj i najsjajnijoj pozornici.
Ismir Mirvic
Los Angeles, CA