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Love & support for the Ruff Family

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Stefani is a loving wife & mother to 5 beautiful children, ranging from 1 yr to 12 years. In 2017 Stefani was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She has been quietly battling and trying to rally through to recovery with the support of her family. Her husband Jonathon has taken on the role of sole provider for the Ruff family since she was diagnosed. And now, the cancer has struck our family in the hardest way possible. We have received devastating news on Stefani’s condition which has forced Jonathon to take unpaid time off to care for Stefani & their family; which also means they have little to no income. The Ruff family is one who would never ask for help, but would give you their shirt off their backs. I am here today to ask for help with prayers, positive thoughts, vibes, love &/or financial support. Our humble family is deeply appreciative for all the love and support we have recieved and continue to receive for Stefani & her beautiful family.

Cancer happens, it isn't always pink. For many women it is teal and white. No one really likes talking about their cervix. Boobies are much more fun. However, the more we share the more we become aware. Cervical cancer is not a stigma. It is real and it will kill. "Teal Ladies"

Thank you & God Bless!!


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    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Tamra Hilkey
Grants Pass, OR

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