Help Support This Family Until Adoption
Tax deductible
My sister Jessica Wheeler visited me and our dog over 10 years ago and fell in love with dogs. We didn't have them growing up, but she began her foster/rescue journey as soon as she returned home. Since that time, she has saved numerous loose dogs in her neighborhood of South Houston and either raised them herself in her home or found homes for them. She taught neighborhood children how to work well with strays and volunteered with Barrio Dogs, Sunnyside Street Dogs, and other local groups. She is suffering a cognitively debilitating disease and can no longer care for her dogs the way she used to. They need more than she is able to give now so Layla, Lilly, Sasha and Tiggy are boarded at Camp Bow Wow for fostering.
Camp Bow Wow is an amazing and clean facility where the dogs are safe and get the play time and socialization they need along with any medical care. We are asking for assistance with their daily boarding costs for April and additional vet costs during the transition.
Because Barrio Dogs is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization, donations towards Layla's, Lilly's, Tiggy's, and Sasha's housing are tax-deductible. Every contribution gives these dogs the care they need and helps them get seen for adoptions.
You can donate here through GoFundMe or go directly to
and indicate support for
Layla, Lilly, Tiggy, and Sasha.
Barrio Dogs is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization focused on improving the life of animals and our community. For more information,
go to https://barriodogs.org/.
Meredith Linden
Golfcrest, TX
Barrio Dogs, Inc.