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Help Tina in Her Battle Against Ovarian Cancer

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I am reaching out to you all with a heavy heart to support Tina, the mother of my stepchildren, who is courageously battling stage 3C ovarian cancer. Tina is 44 years old and a loving mother to three children Malikai, Kaeleb and Chaseyn.

 Tina's Journey So Far

 Tina’s fight began in February 2024 with a hysterectomy and the removal of the omentum in her abdomen, which took place in Hamilton, far from her children. She is now back home, trying to heal while undergoing chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the side effects of chemotherapy have confined her to bed most days, making it impossible for her to work or take care of her basic needs. Her family and our sons are doing their best to care for their mother, but the burden is immense.

 Understanding Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer

 Stage 3C ovarian cancer for Tina means that the cancer has spread within her omentum, ovary, liver, diaphragm, and spleen. This stage is characterized by tumours or cancerous deposits larger than 2 centimetres. The prognosis for stage 3C ovarian cancer varies, with a five-year survival rate of approximately 39%, depending on factors such as overall health, response to treatment, and age.

Financial Struggles

Tina has been a self-employed illustrator and graphic artist for most of her adult life, achieving many successes. She has worked tirelessly to support her family. The pandemic severely impacted her business, and now, with the added burden of chemotherapy and recovery from major surgery, she has been unable to work. When she finally felt well enough to manage a small amount of work, her computer broke down. She had to borrow money to replace it, adding to her financial strain. Her entire income depends on having a working computer.

 How You Can Help

 We are raising funds to help Tina with: - Medical expenses related to her cancer treatment and recovery - Day-to-day living expenses as she is unable to work during this difficult time - Repaying the loan for her new computer, which is essential for any work she can manage

 Why This Matters

 Tina's strength and determination are truly inspiring, but she cannot do this alone. Your support will provide much-needed financial relief, allowing her to focus on her health and her family. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in her life.

 How to Donate

Please consider donating and sharing this campaign with your friends and family. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated during this challenging time.

For those of you that would like to donate off-line you can send an e-transfer or PayPal contact me direct. 

Thank you for standing with Tina in her fight against ovarian cancer. Together, we can help her overcome this battle and give her the hope and strength she needs to keep going.


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  • Anonym
    • $25 
    • 9 hrs
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 2 d
  • Louise Novakovic
    • $30 
    • 2 d
  • Jennifer Labre
    • $100 
    • 3 d
  • Theresa Hernandez
    • $40 
    • 3 d

Spendenteam: Team fundraiser (3)

Alicia Murphy
Thunder Bay, ON
Tina Raparanta
Mohammad Agha
Team member

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