Susi can walk again
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Hello, first excuse my English, we are David and Marian and we are lovers of cats. Every time we find a cat in difficulties we end up increasing the family. We currently have 8, of which 7 have been rescued in the last 10 years. You can see all of them on the next video.
Unfortunately yesterday our cat Susi (we also called her BugsBunny because of her resemblance) disappeared and when we found her she was immobile after falling 6 floors and breaking multiple bones. We are devastated, the other cats saw her when we rescued her and they are very rare, especially the smallest, Lana her best friend.

What happened?
When we woke up and made the daily feline greeting, we were missing Susi. It could only have escaped through the gap left by the windows to ventilate.

After looking for her on the roof, and searching the entire house, we decided to put a publication on a local Facebook group and in less than half an hour the neighbors informed us about a similar cat 6 floors below our house.
But it was another cat ..... what a disappointment ... but Marian asked the neighbors to take another look .... and saw her !!! he was immobile in a small hole. Susi suffered a fall from 6 floors
Look at the bottom of the video, in a triangular hole. It is very difficult to see, notice that Susi has a white tail tip.
This video was taken from a neighbor's house on second floor, I have improved the image so that you can see it better.

We rescued it and unfortunately it was in bad condition, it did not move the back of the body. We quickly took her to our vet.
After performing all the necessary tests, the diagnosis is complex but optimistic:
-Multiple hip fractures
-Fracture of the metacarpus
-Possible fracture of the pelvis
Why do we say you are optimistic?
She did not suffer any damage to other organs, only bone problems.
The veterinary clinic has a very good reputation:
Clinica del Sol
Why do we ask for the money?
We are very hesitant to do this, but the situation in my country with COVID19 is devastating for us.
Last year we opened a restaurant, a dream for us. The first year was very hard, working day and night.
This year the results of that hard work were beginning to be seen .... but the coronavirus arrived. We were forced to close and continue paying rent, services, taxes, etc ... we have brutal losses, we have finished our savings to keep the company afloat, but at least we can continue living decently because David has another job .
The future is worrying for a restaurant, limited capacity, fear of contagion and having to recover all the losses.
Why that amount?
Today they called us from the clinic, the traumatologist indicates that we have to perform 2 operations, minimum. You cannot perform all interventions at once.
The starting budget for the two interventions is € 1,700, to which must be added the radiographs, ultrasounds, treatment and hospitalization. Currently we will already exceed the amount of € 2,000.
Edited: As you can read in one of the communications, they found a problem in one of the legs, it will need more interventions and it will probably mean another operation, increasing the cost of only the operations to € 2,700 and we still have to add the costs of hospitalization, treatments, etc...
We have decided to operate it, we do not hesitate for a second, our love for them is very great, but now we have to assume that our economic situation is critical.
It is very difficult to assume that amount right now even financed that amount.
What do your pets mean to you?
Everything, we love to enjoy your company, we are two more cats. All of our decisions revolve around them. Marian goes out of her way to try to save them all. On some occasions we rescued cats in very bad condition, which sadly did not get over it and Marian has a really bad time when she sees an animal suffer.
Luckily, he has a great support in David, who as a good lover of cats and video games, has the hobby of developing video games. Her biggest personal project is a game where Marian will have to rescue our cats. David takes advantage of these skills to express love for animals and Marian, encouraging her.

David Pixel Art of Marian and all our rescued cats.
Thank you all for reading, and again, sorry for my English. You cannot imagine what it would mean for us to receive your help. It would not only be Susi's salvation, but also ours, since right now there are many concerns about what our life and our business will be like.
Thank you, thank you and thank you.
Hola, primero disculpad mi ingles, somos David y Marian y somos unos amantes de los gatos. Cada vez que nos encontramos un gato en dificultades acabamos incrementando la familia. Actualmente tenemos 8, de los cuales 7 han sido rescatados durante los últimos 10 años.
Desgraciadamente ayer nuestra gata Susi (también le llamamos BugBunny por su parecido) desapareció y cuando la encontramos estaba inmóvil tras caer 6 pisos y romperse múltiples huesos. Estamos desolados, los otros gatos la vieron cuando la rescatamos y están muy raros, sobre todo la mas pequeña, su mejor amiga.
¿Que pasó?
Al despertarnos y hacer el saludo felino diario, nos faltaba Susi, normalmente duerme escondida. Solo podría haber escapado por el hueco que dejan las ventanas para ventilar.
Tras buscarla por el tejado, y rebuscar toda la casa, decidimos poner una publicación en un grupo Facebook local y en menos de media hora los vecinos nos informaron sobre una gata similar situada 6 pisos mas abajo de nuestra vivienda.
Pero se trataba de otra gata.....que decepción...pero Marian le pidió a los vecinos poder hechar otro vistazo....y la vio!!! estaba inmóvil en un pequeño agujero. Susi sufrió una caída desde 6 plantas. Mirar la parte de abajo del vídeo, en un agujero con forma triangular.
La rescatamos y desgraciadamente estaba en mal estado, no movía la parte trasera del cuerpo. La llevamos rápidamente a nuestro veterinario.
Tras realizarle todas las pruebas necesarias, el diagnostico es complejo pero optimista:
-Múltiple fracturas en la cadera
-Fractura del metacarpo
-Posible fractura de pelvis
¿Por que nosotros decimos que es optimista?
Ella no sufrió ningún daño en otros órganos, solo problemas óseos.
La clínica veterinaria tiene muy buena reputación:
¿Por que pedimos el dinero?
Dudamos mucho de hacer esto, pero la situación en mi país con el COVID19 es devastadora para nosotros.
El año pasado abrimos un restaurante, un sueño para nosotros. El primer año fue muy duro, trabajando día y noche.
Este año se empezaban a ver los resultados de ese duro trabajo....pero llego el coronavirus. Nos vimos obligados a cerrar y seguir pagando alquiler, servicios, impuestos, etc...tenemos unas perdidas brutales, hemos acabado nuestros ahorros para mantener la empresa a flote, pero por lo menos podemos seguir viviendo de manera decente por que David tiene otro trabajo.
El futuro es preocupante para un restaurante, aforo limitado, miedo al contagio y teniendo que recuperar todas las perdidas.
¿Por que esa cantidad?
Hoy nos llamaron de la clínica, el traumatologo indica que hay que realizar 2 operaciones, mínimo. No puede realizar todas las intervenciones de una vez.
El presupuesto de partida para las dos intervenciones es de 1700€, a eso hay que sumarle las radiografías, ecografias, tratamiento y hospitalizan. Actualmente ya rebasaríamos la cantidad de 2000€.
Editado: Como podréis leer en una de las comunicaciones le encontraron un problema en una de las patas, necesitara mas intervenciones y probablemente supondrá otra operación incrementando el coste de solo las operaciones a 2700€ y aun hay que sumarle los costes de hospitalizan, tratamientos, etc...
Hemos decidido que la operen, no dudamos un segundo, nuestro amor por ellos es muy grande, pero ahora nos toca asumir que nuestra situación económica es critica.
Es muy complicado asumir esa cantidad ahora mismo incluso financiado esa cantidad. Mañana intentare conseguir los presupuestos o radiografías para mostraros.
Gracias a todos por leernos, y otra vez, perdón por mi ingles.
David Gómez Díaz
A Coruña, GA