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Help Swiss Korfball go to the European Championship 2024!

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We are Swiss korfball, the national team of korfball in Switzerland! This year, we will participate to the European Championship Korfball, which will take place from 14/10/2024 - 19/10/2024 in Antalya, Turkey. We want to grow and develop our team, and for this we need your help! For both training facilities, entrance fees to the tournament and medical and team jersey costs, we would like to raise about 10.000 CHF! Do you want to support us on our journey?

For every donation of 10CHF, you will be a friend of Swiss korfball; from 25CHF, you will receive a postcard with a personalised message and autographs of all players; and with a donation of 250CHF, you will receive a personalised korfball-ball with autographs of all the players!

If you would like to get more information on Swiss Korfball, don't hesitate to check out our website !
All games of the European Championship will be broadcasted on Youtube, the link will be shared here later!


Swiss Korfball
Lausanne, VD

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt