Help Taco Sublime build its first Community Space
Donation protected
On March 2020, Taco Sublime was launched during the pandemic and lockdowns. I think it’s safe to say those were some tough times for all of us, but the challenges brought me closer to my purpose and Taco Sublime’s Mission. How could I stay home knowing I had a food truck and delicious food I could serve? I had to find a way to serve the city. From here, I saw the grave need that our transient community needs, and I decided to serve them myself, often out of my own pockets. With the help of nonprofits who were serving our communities by providing covid testing and covid resources, Taco Sublime served over 5,000 tacos to Chicagoans.
These partnerships were cataclysmic in the transition of my tiny food truck, “The Baby” into a vessel of change that would be a hub of resources for our transient community. Taco Sublime has co-hosted two winter drives, where we’ve served meals and assisted various encampments to shoes, winter accessories, and coats. In total, we’ve provided over 60 tents, 300 gloves, 300 beanies, and 400 blankets.
On December 12, 2021, I woke up to what looked like an episode of Chicago Fire. The Baby was engulfed in flames. I tried to salvage a single plate, but everything was destroyed. I still don't know what happened other than what the firefighters shared: the inner wood paneling caught fire from behind the metal walls and the insulation spread fire with storm wind conditions. My heart was crushed but my spirit knew that I could not give up on my dreams. That’s why I am asking you to help me continue doing what I love best: serving you the best tacos in the world so together, we can build a community of leaders one taco at a time. With your help, we can bring this dream to life.
It is a huge ask but it is a big dream. The funds will be used to build a storefront for Taco Sublime and to refurbish The Baby. This will allow us to continue serving the transient community on a larger scale and become a hub of support. We will introduce a program for rehabilitation and societal reintegration through food service and culinary arts. We are committed to providing a direct pathway of employment for our program members. It’s important to Taco Sublime that those in our communities that do not have a home for any reason have a place they can feel at least a piece of home in and we hope to build that.
I appreciate that you took the time to read about my small business and I kindly ask that you support it by sharing this link and reposting it. I wish you a very merry holiday season and pray that you never lose hope in your purpose and your dreams. It was put there for a reason, only you can bring it to life. Together, we can do this. Follow our journey on Instagram @tacosublime. Love is power!!!
Khaled Simon
Chicago, IL