Helping Kyle and the Children, as they adjust.
My brother Kyle and Nicole had just started their life and family together.
Now, They are fighting to keep it.
Nicole was originally diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer, She beat the breast cancer through chemo, surgery and prayer.
After being given a clean bill of health, the cancer has come back with a vengeance. The cancer has metastasized to her spinal fluid; Only two months later. Now she is fighting for life it self and the ability to see her children grow and to enjoy a life with her husband. They are going to aggressively fight it.
Her new treatment is risky and regardless must be done.
She and my brother have two beautiful children as well. Joshua a few months over 3 and Maddie only 22 months.
Nicole is an RN for the Connecticut State Department of corrections, and my Brother is an EMT.
Theirs is a two income household and while Nicole is out of work, my brother has also opted to take time from work. Given the nature of the treatment and the further time she is out, it is unknown if she would even be able to return to work.
However that time will not last forever and they could use some cushion to help keep things regular and be one less worry.
Our families are doing what we can and will, however I ask the community for a small amount and to share this , so that we can help them focus on what is most important; each other , family and recovery.
Please donate to help Nicole and Kyle, if you can't please share so perhaps someone may. Thank you for your prayers , kind wishes and love.
I've always called Nicole a warrior, but every warrior needs its tribe.
Lets be that tribe.
With sincere love,