Help Tammy & family with ongoing medical expenses
Tammy and Al moved to Springfield from Texas in the summer of 2005, after high school graduation at just 18 years old. They ABSOLUTELY fell in love with the town and community and decided they would set roots here and raise a family one day!! This is HOME for them, this is HOME for their daughter Romy!!
*April 26th, 2021- Tammy tested positive for Covid-19, took ALL quarantine precautions at home as a family. Al was also positive, slightly I'll and then fully recovered, Romy was also positive with no symptoms or illness. Tammy had what felt like a head cold
*May 4th- Tammy was rushed to Sleepy Eye ER, upon arriving oxygen levels were 53.5 (almost 50% what a normal adult should be at) after many tests, they determined they just weren't capable of helping her and she needed to be Flown out ASAP.
*May 4th She was flown out by air medic, oxygen levels continue to drop on the flight
*May 4th- Tammy was transferred to Abbot Northwestern in Minneapolis, upon immediate arrival, they intubated and placed her on a ventilator. She was then placed in a medically induced coma for 7 days (mothers day spent asleep )
*May 4th- May 7th- Tammy remained in a coma. (7 days)
*May 10th- She was finally stable enough to be woken up and was transferred out of ICU to the COVID Unit.
*May 10-16th- spent in covid unit.... sent home May 16th to recover (6 days stay)
*May 23rd- Tammy was again rushed to the ER, this timr at New Ulm Medical Center, due to excessive coughing/vomiting. CT scans discovered a Lung Abcess due to a bacterial infection from having the tube in place when intubated...... ALONG with covid Pneumonia ☹️
*May 23rd- transferred by ambulance back to Abbot Northwestern
*May 23-27th- stayed in infectious disease unit treating Lung Abscess at Abbot (4 days)
*June 1st- Rushed back to NUMC ER, respiratory breathing problems, was placed immediately on BiPap(portable vent) to regulate her breathing.
*June 1st- 4th- (birthday spent there) NUMC ICU stay for respiratory treatment (3 day stay)
*June 16th- Rushed back to NUMC ER, chest pains/ respiratory issues
*June 16th-17- NUMC ICU stay, lots of test/scans run and determine she needed to be transferred back to Abbott once again (2 day stay)
*June 17th- ambulance transferred back to Abbot
*June 17th -23rd- Abbot (6/7 day stay) while there after MANY test, scans, consultations, they finally diagnosed me with Subglottic Stenosis
From Tammy:
Due to having to be intubated because of COVID-19 , the tube basically caused damaged in my throat right under vocal cords, causing it to close up. Final measurements was found to be open only 3 MILLIMETERS, average adult female is open 21-23 millimeters. After all of this the last procedure went flawlessly and has made a huge difference in my breathing. Unfortunately this is just the 1st round, of potentially 2-3 more rounds, to train my throat to stay open, the good news though is latest CT scans have shown Lung Abcess has shrunk almost completely, and the Pneumonia is almost 100% cleared. My lungs are still damaged and recovering from Covid 19 complications, there are still so many lingering side effects form Covid 19 attacking my body and immune system, working everyday on physical/occupational/mental/cognitive therapy.. weekly nurse home visits, lots of follow ups to come in the near and far future, most in Cities with ENT, Pulmonary, Infections Disease Specialists..
With all the still unknowns of Covid and long term affects, and treatments, there is telling when I will make a full recovery BUT I sure as heck will make one!! Im not giving up and will win all the battles in this Covid war!!
*It is unknown if/when Tammy will be able to return to work, Al has also had to miss a lot of work as expected when caring for a loved one. My goal here is to help this amazing family with some of the financial burden that this unfortunate situation has caused them!