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Assaalamu Alaykum wa Rahmantu Allah wa Barakatuh. Our Muslim Sister needs our help. I am Taulib Abdur- Rahim and my wife Tanisha was diagnosed with ALS in December 2021. Tanisha is a very loving mother and has always put family unity first in her life. Tanisha has been a very hardworking woman at Shoppers Food for 16 years and RosecrofteRacetrack to provide support for her family and many in need. This very progressive disease has no cure and has rapidly taken away all of her mobility, speech and ability to breathe on her own. She is currently at Complete Care Rehabilitation Center and is awaiting at-home nursing services to be implemented for her return home. We are asking for help and support that will be used for medical home care. Please help us get Tanisha home to her family and loved ones to help her with the care and support she is praying for daily.Assaalamu Alaykum wa Rahmantu Allah wa Barakatuh. My wife and I are committed to reaching out to any and everyone who can share this message. We have Medicare and Disability insurance coverage as well as family members that are trained in respiratory care to assist with at home needs. As her primary caregiver I continue to search for nursing services for Tanisha that is currently the only obstacle that is preventing her return home. We have all necessary medical equipment and supplies awaiting her return and additional respiratory training also. Inshaa Allah this messagewill reach anyone who has any knowledge of or connections to at home care. Assaalamu Alaykum wa Rahmantu Allah wa Barakatuh. Tanisha and I are happy to inform everyone that we have found a registered nurse to hire who is awaiting approval and paperwork to be processed. The R.N. will provide part time assistance with medical care along with the help of a certified nursing assistant We ask at this time if anyone has any fundraising ideas or experience that they would like to share with us. We are applying for aide through the state of Maryland as well as the ALS foundation. All are welcome to share any ideas that would surely be helpful with home care needs. May Allah make it easy for us all.
James Jones
Seabrook, MD