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Help Taylor Compete with FVHS Dance Team

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Hi Family & Friends!

As you know, I have a love for dance and am hoping to carry it on into my future career. I'm heading into our Dance Team's competition season for Fountain Valley High School! Because of increased rates for our choreographers and coaches, increased competition registration fees and the opportunity to compete in Florida in the spring (if we can raise enough money), the individual dancer fees for the season have gone up by quite a bit.

My family is participating in the scrip program, See's Candies fundraiser, Christmas Tree fundraiser, Cash 4 Clothes fundraiser and our upcoming 5K fundraiser to help decrease my individual balance as well.

If you would like to participate in helping to send me to this season's competitions with FVHS Dance Team, I would be so grateful for any size donation. If we don't raise enough funds for the Florida competition (we should know by early October), I will decrease the fundraising goal.

Thank you so much for reading this and for your love and support. Prayers are always appreciated for a safe and healthy competition season as well.



  • Vera Dehaan
    • $75
    • 1 d
  • Cheryl Kinsman
    • $75
    • 2 d
  • Bob & Pauline Henning
    • $100
    • 3 d
  • Jeanne Girard
    • $100
    • 3 d
  • Anonym
    • $200
    • 3 d


Bethany Wilson
Fountain Valley, CA
  • Sport

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt