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Help Terri Flynn in the RI September Primary

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GoFundMe Hints Below

For now, the Campaign is on pause while the team cleans up, and rests up!

Terri has asked that I forward this message:

"Three weeks ago, today, was the Primary Election for the Rhode Island Congressional District 1 seat. Congratulations to those candidates who the people chose to run in the General Election on November 7th to fill David Cicilline's vacant seat: Democrat Gabe Amo and Republican Gerry Leonard. Additional congratulations are owed to all the candidates who ran in the Primary Election, for inspiring a team and engaging the public. On those two counts, each and every campaign is a winner.

"With under $2,200 to run our campaign, it was the passion of the volunteer team and timely messaging that garnered almost 1 out of 4 Republican ballots in our favor. We couldn’t be prouder of, and more appreciative to, all the volunteers and to every Republican and Independent/Unaffiliated voter who cast their vote for that message.

"Going forward, our campaign’s message to voters remains the same: for change in US politics, now is the time for voters to consider looking more at the person, instead of party designation, when voting for who will be able to get the most done and best represent the people once elected to public office."

Terri Flynn is on the Rhode Island Primary Election ballot for David Cicilline’s vacant Congressional seat. If voters want to see change in US politics and change in elected officials’ behavior, they need to consider voting for different kinds of candidates. That can start with RI Congressional District 1 voters. I am part of the volunteer team for her grassroots effort and the campaign needs some cash for a website, palm/business cards, lawn signs, doorhangers, newspaper/radio ads, and meet-and-greet events. No donation is too small! All donations are greatly appreciated and will be transferred directly to the campaign bank account. Terri looks forward to visiting the Congressional District 1 communities and wants you to know:

"I am not your typical candidate. I am not an attorney. I do not have a campaign financial war chest. I have no affiliations to special interest groups or other elected officials. I don’t believe in party labels but do believe in work ethic and data-driven decisions.

The Middletown voters saw fit to elect me to Town Council in 2018 with the second highest vote count and in 2020 with the highest vote count. I did not run in 2022 because every incumbent ran and an empty seat would allow someone new to learn how decisions are made and inject fresh energy, perspective, and open-mindedness into community decision-making. Term Limits: yes.

If you ask any Middletowner paying attention, I consistently give 110% by not just being present but also by participating while there. Prior to serving on Town Council, I had the opportunity to be appointed to the Middletown Planning Board (2017-2018). As a Councilor, I served as Liaison on 6 Subcommittees - 3 different ones each term to learn as much as possible while elected. In addition, I served as the Middletown Senior Affordable Housing Committee Secretary and Middletown Outreach Sub-Committee Co-Chair.

As I understand it, if a candidate has/collects hundreds of thousands of dollars, then the State Committees (Republican/Democrat) will consider that candidate “viable” and may endorse them. I am definitely not a “viable” or typical candidate; but because of that I may be more representative of RI voters and am asking RI Congressional District 1 registered voters to please please vote for me in the Primary (if you are not registered to vote already, you can register here: through August 6th, 2023).

I look forward to working for you,
Terri Flynn
Middletown, RI
Terri Flynn For Congress (no spaces, at gmail)"

GoFundMe Hints:
There is an option to contribute "anonymously" - if you miss it, we can fix it.
"Tips" are not required: enter 0.00.
Every contribution is appreciated / GoFundMe minimum is $5 (☕️IF you are able, could you please "buy me a cup of coffee?")
Federal Contributions law:
→Businesses cannot contribute, only individuals & not more than $1000.
→Your name/home address must be entered in "Comments" (NOT SEEN BY PUBLIC), Or The Donation Must Be Refunded.
→If contributing over $100, please also enter your employer/work address...$99 contribution eliminates this!


  • Anónimo
    • 100 $ (Fuera de Internet)
    • 1 año
  • Anónimo
    • 100 $ (Fuera de Internet)
    • 1 año
  • Anónimo
    • 50 $ (Fuera de Internet)
    • 2 años
  • Anónimo
    • 25 $ (Fuera de Internet)
    • 2 años
  • Paul White
    • 25 $
    • 2 años


Dana Harrell
Middletown, RI

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