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Help the Armored Artemises Go to Worlds!

Fiscaal aftrekbaar
Hello! We are the Armored Artemises #16008, an FIRST Tech Challenge(FTC) robotics team from Glastonbury, Connecticut. We are a community team with members from the 8th to 11th grades. Our mission is to introduce youth to STEM through fun, hands-on experiences such as FIRST. As a gender-minority team, we prioritize promoting FIRST and STEM not only among girls but among non-binary and transgender youth as well. We believe in creating a culture of inclusion.

FIRST is a worldwide engineering and robotics community with many different robotics programs. The program we compete in is called FTC. This program runs from middle school through high school. Teams design, build, and program robots to compete in a custom challenge every year. Not only that, teams participate in outreach to teach the community about FIRST and STEM. This year, the challenge is called PowerPlay, where the robots have to work together with their alliance to stack cones and create circuits.
Here is the official game video if you want to see it:

We recently competed at the Connecticut State championship and won the Inspire Award(The highest award) and were invited to the World Championship to compete against over 200 teams in Houston, Texas. We would like your support to help us attend this event.

What is the Inspire Award?
The Inspire Award is an award given to the team that best embodies the ‘challenge’ of the FIRST Tech Challenge program. They are a strong ambassador for FIRST programs and a role model FIRST team. This team is a top contender for many other judged awards and acts with Gracious Professionalism® both on and off the playing field. They share their experiences, enthusiasm and knowledge with other teams, sponsors, their community, and the judges. Working as a unit, this team will have shown success in performing the task of designing and building a robot.

What will we do with the fundraised money?
We'll use the funding for preparations and expenses for the World Championship. This includes:
Participating in the event (Registration)
New parts to continue to improve our robot.
Team spirit and booth items for Worlds.
Travel and Shipping Costs


Armored Artemises
Glastonbury, CT
greater glastonbury FTC inc

Jouw gemakkelijke, krachtige en vertrouwde plek voor hulp

  • Gemakkelijk

    Doneer snel en gemakkelijk

  • Krachtig

    Help rechtstreeks de mensen en doelen die jij belangrijk vindt

  • Vertrouwd

    Ons team Vertrouwen & Bescherming werkt dag en nacht om onze community veilig te houden.