Help the Bancila family
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Hi, my name is Emil, I am the father of two girls, Iulia and Daniela.The girls' mother died of cancer in 2017. the girls were in my care until last year when, jugendamt, she took him away from me in an abusive way, without any incriminating evidence against me.I can bring my children home if I pay them the amount of 1730 euros for 9 months that have been in their care. Please help me
Bunä,numele meu este Emil ,sunt tatäl a douä fete ,Iulia si Daniela. Mama fetelor a decedat de cancer in 2017.Fetele au fost in grija mea panä anul trecut cand Jugendamt le-a luat print-un mod abuziv si fara dovezi incriminatoarii impotriva mea .Pot aduce fetele acasä daca le platesc suma de 1730 euro pentru cele 9 luni care au fost in grija lor. Vä rog sa ma ajutati!
Emil Bancila
Zeiling, O, Austria, O