Help the BLUESMAN!!!
Dear friends. You have all been so kind and
supportive and it is difficult to ask for more help.
But the time is here that our Dear friend,
Carl Weathersby, needs our help financially. He
has been very ill as you know. Just recently he had a toe amputated but that does not seem to be
enough. They will be taking his entire foot and we are praying that will be all they will need to do. He starts DIALYSIS this coming Tuesday as his kidneys are functioning very low. Between the wound care doctor and the kidney doctor appointments, and
dialysis 3 times a week it is very difficult for Sissy
to work. She is caring for Carl full time. Music is
what Carl lives for. It is what he has done for so
many years and he has touched SO MANY people with his music, stories, and that great laugh!! But
at this time it is becoming very difficult for him to do. So whether you want to support a fellow
musician, or a Vietnam Veteran or just your dear
friend...please consider helping Carl and Sissy get
through this very trying time. Let’s show him our