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Help the Chacon Family Recover After Eaton Fire

Donativo protegido
We're the Chacon Family - Manuel, Caroline, Rene, and our cat Max, and we lost our home in beautiful Altadena on 01/08/25. The Eaton Fire exploded in the early hours of the morning and we awoke to find our house surrounded by smoke and falling embers. We had to evacuate in a hurry, so we left almost everything behind. We were devasted to learn our house burned down, along with most of the houses in our community, and that it will likely take two to three years to rebuild so we can return.

We are asking for help to rebuild our lives.

With gratitude, Manuel, Caroline and Rene



  • Wesley Reutimann
    • 100 $
    • 1 mes
  • Terri Boykins
    • 100 $
    • 1 mes
  • Liz Butler
    • 16 $
    • 1 mes
  • Michelle Zhong
    • 100 $
    • 1 mes
  • Brynna Pietz
    • 200 $
    • 1 mes


Caroline Chacon
Altadena, CA

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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