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Help the Collins Family Through Their Loss

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Hello, our family could really use the help and support during this difficult time. My husband passed away on September 19th, 2024, on our daughter's 15th birthday after a short battle with cancer. We have four children together that miss their dad very much. It's been very hard on them with this sudden loss.

My husband, Sinclaire Collins, was diagnosed on July 9th, 2024, with stage 4 terminal pancreatic cancer. It all started on June 26th with an E.R. visit due to leg pain, and we were told it was a blood clot. Doctors wanted to find out how he developed a blood clot since he's never been a cigarette smoker. After an ultrasound and MRI, we were told it was pancreatic cancer with metastasis to the liver and bones.

My husband suffered from a heart attack a week later on July 17th, where he spent two weeks in the hospital and received a cardiac MRI. Then we were told he had non-bacterial endocarditis on the heart and also cardiovascular disease. Two weeks later, he had a stroke which really affected him. Doctors were pushing to start chemotherapy. He finally received his first chemotherapy treatment on August 22nd, 2024. The first three days he had a little nausea, but he was discharged on August 25th to come home.

On August 29th, he suffered another stroke, and doctors told us he was also septic and had DIC. They could do no more treatments as the chemo made him very sick. On September 9th, he was discharged again to come home. On September 17th, 2024, he woke up very confused and could not stand or walk without falling. I had to call an ambulance to transport him to the hospital. The doctors again told us there was nothing else they could do and recommended home hospice. He had a bowel blockage, and his organs were failing (liver, kidneys, and heart). He came home on September 19th, 2024, at 1 pm. His hospice nurse was already here waiting for his arrival, he was transported by ambulance back home.

After giving him pain medicine and checking his vitals, she sat me down and said she's been doing this for 27 years and she's never wrong. His blood pressure was only 56/35, and she said he may not make it through the night. I went to another room and cried so hard my chest started hurting, but I had to stay strong for him and our children. I comforted him by playing his favorite Kingdom songs and talking to him, telling him how strong he was and that he had been through so much in the past few months than he had his whole life. I told him it was okay to rest; he deserved to rest and that we would do our best to be okay. He took his last breath at 8:12 pm.

My heart still hurts, and missing him has been a difficult journey I wouldn't wish on anybody. We were together for 20 years and married for 16 years. Our children are 9, 12, 15, and 16 years old. They wake up every day missing their father deeply. He was a hardworking man and devoted his life to his family. We are lost without him here and just need some help with the costs of obituaries and arrangements. I was his caregiver since he was diagnosed and spent every day with him at the hospital while also homeschooling our children. Before his diagnosis, he was our sole provider; he handled everything and always made sure we were okay. The diagnosis hit him hard; he wanted to always be here for us. We will miss him every day; it will never be the same without him here. His smile, laugh, and humor were contagious. He was an affectionate man who loved nature and gardening. He loved spending time with our children, and he would always find something we could do as a family. We will always cherish the memories we have and keep his memory alive as he had the most energetic personality. We will love you forever and always, Sinclaire ❤️
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Barbara Collins
Garden City, MI

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