As some may know, Nick Lumpkin was in an 4 wheeler accident early Wednesday morning and had to be airlifted to Shands in Gainesville with severe head trauma, clasped lung, broken Clavicle, broken ribs, fractured face, fractured pelvis and his spleen bleeding internally. He had to go in for surgery even when he was t stable enough. I’m asking for help for the family as his income was their main source for paying their bills, putting food on the table for their three kids. The money raised will help his wife to go to and from the hospital as its an hour drive for her, bills, food, and the things they may need at the house plus his meds for when he does get to come home. All proceeds will go straight to Andrea, his wife! He has a long road ahead of him and his family. If your unable to donate, please share and pray! Thank you!