Help the Nagel family
On May 6, 2020, the unthinkable happened when the car that Caila was a passenger in was struck by a drunk driver.
Caila was taken by way of helicopter to the
University Hospital of Cincinnati where she is
currently fighting for her life. Caila is suffering
from swelling and bleeding on her brain and is
on a ventilator while in a coma.
Caila is a junior at Edgewood High school where
she enjoyed playing both basketball and volleyball. Caila is a passionate and outgoing girl who lives life to the fullest and loves her family and friends with her whole heart.
This page is being set up with the hope that we canhelp alleviate some of the financial burden of
mounting medical bills and any other challenges
that may occur. The family covets your prayers
and is thankful for any donation made.