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Help the Silver Lyan Team!

Spende geschützt
Here at Silver Lyan, our team has been working toward opening since January, with many moving from other cities just to work at this wonderful bar that opened its doors early February. A month of intensive training was amazing to open something wonderful for DC, but already had our team on reduced training wages going into the opening.

Now, just a month into being up and running, COVID-19 had us shutter our doors. This caused a sudden lack of income for our employees at Silver Lyan, leaving them wondering how they will pay their rent, buy food, and medical expenses. This fund is to raise money for the Silver Lyan team, and will distributed directly to all the hourly employees so they can stay on their feet during this unprecedented time.



  • Anna Yelverton
    • $85
    • 5 yrs


Morgan Stana
Washington D.C., DC

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt