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Help the Sims Family recover from the Davis Creek Fire

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We are one of the families that lost everything in the Davis Creek Fire. Our home was in the direct path of the fire on 09/07 and we discovered this morning that the entire house has burned down. We are asking for help because not only do we have to find a new home for 7 people including 3 kids, but we also lost everything. Our clothes, personal items, family memorabilia everything was lost in this fire. We have no idea what it will take to get back to a normal life or to fully recover but we are asking you for your help so that we can get back to a place of normalcy. We are so thankful that no lives were lost, but our lives were severely impacted.

Anything you can give will help our family recover in this really difficult time. We have been Nevadans for many years and we know the strength and love and support of our communities. We plan to use the funds to find a new place to live, replace the clothing and school supplied for the kids, replace the clothing and medical supplies for our elderly mother, ensuring that some of our items are replaced and that we can take care of our pets.


  • Brenda Mcelroy
    • $100
    • 3 hrs
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 6 hrs
  • Sassabration Inc
    • $100
    • 15 hrs
  • John & Lisa Boyd
    • $50
    • 2 d
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 3 d


Aaron Sims
Carson City, NV

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