Help the Slade Family
A dear friend of mine is dealing with a parents worse nightmare. Friday evening her 15 year old daughter Megan was in an unfortunate accident and has suffered a traumatic brain injury. The damage is not repairable and the family is looking at having her be an organ donor so that she can save so many other lives and keep other parents from dealing with this kind of loss. Megan was an amazing artist, and she wanted to be a doctor to save lives and now her last act will be to save the lives of others! Her parents have been by her side since Friday and as you can imagine they will have medical bills along with funeral expenses. If you can donate anything at all it will help! If you cant donate please pray for Megan, her parents Vanessa and Johnny, her brothers Jacob and Noah, and all her other family and friends! These next steps and next few days will be very difficult.
All funds will go to Megan's family to pay for funeral expenses, medical bills, and living expenses while being off work during the grieving process.
Megan's family has authorized me to withdraw funds and deliver them to the family personally.