Help the Sweeney Family in their time of need
As most of you are aware our dear friend Don was injured on Saturday, July 9. Don had fallen from the roof while hanging siding materials, a project he had been working on for several weeks. His son Kevin heroically ran for help. Shrewsbury Police and First Aid arrived and given the nature of the injuries, transported Don to Jersey Shore Medical Center where he underwent emergency neuro surgery that night. Thanks to the excellent care of the professionals at our region’s best trauma hospital, his situation is improving every day and he is meeting all benchmarks toward his recovery. We are hopeful Don will be graduating from the ICU soon. The prognosis is good but the recovery will be long and difficult.
In addition to being an exceptional husband and father, Don is self-employed, President of the Shrewsbury Board of Education, a lifelong volunteer firefighter, one of Troop 50’s biggest supporters, and an incredibly strong and resilient man who will get through this. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and we are so grateful for the family, friends and community that support the Sweeney family. There have been many continued requests on how to help, so we created this Go Fund Me to help in their time of need. Please keep Don and his family in your thoughts and prayers.