Help The Water Avenue Barista Team Stay Afloat
Help the retail team at Water Avenue Coffee stay afloat in these difficult and uncertain times!
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected communities across the world, and is now having a dramatic impact on every day life in the US. While this crisis has been trying for everyone, workers in the retail and food service industry have been hit the hardest. With so few social safety nets for tipped service workers, the need for community support is stronger than ever. In order to get back to what we love doing--making you coffee and snacks--we felt it was the responsible decision to temporarily close in order to support and facilitate health and wellbeing for staff and customers. It is an incredibly hard choice, considering how closely we work with the people of Portland every day, but with your help we'll be here for you when everything is back to normal.
Faced with wage losses and potential weeks without work, we are asking you (the community we love and belong to) to support us with anything you can afford to give. This money will be given directly to the staff of Water Avenue's retail locations (baristas and kitchen crew) to cushion the blow of unemployment. Likely you will be providing relief for grocery funds, household bills, pet care, and peace of mind for those who are financially stressed. We thank you so much for your support through this unprecedented moment in history, and cannot wait to see you again in our cafés someday!