Help Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja!
Funds go to WRC Jogja.
Our animals need your help!
At Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja, we care for 150 vulnerable wild animals, often rescued from the cruelty of the illegal wildlife trade. Many of these are critically endangered and it is imperative that we provide them with the best care possible until they are ready to go back to their wild homes.
But we’re in trouble.
Our contract to rent the WRC grounds is coming to an end, and we face losing our land and our sanctuary. Without funds to renew or buy the land, the future of all our animals is uncertain. Even if we keep the land, our facilities are in urgent need of repairs and improvements, leaving many animals in enclosures that are less than ideal.
Although we have been desperately trying to raise money, the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the financial strain. Volunteers are no longer visiting and donations are low. We are covering the bare minimum of maintenance costs but it’s simply not enough.
We need your help now to save us from this dire situation. Please donate today.
Save our land. Save their futures.
My Story
I, Tojeiro Spijkstra, have volunteered as Conservation Manager and Animal Welfare Coordinator at WRC Jogja since January 2020. I left my job in the Netherlands as a mechanical engineer to dedicate my life to the conservation of endangered wildlife here in Indonesia.
It didn’t take long to realize the consequences of our financial strain at WRC. As a non-profit and non-governmental organization, WRC Jogja relies entirely on donations and volunteers.
We have been struggling at the bare minimum for a while now, but since the COVID-19 pandemic, our centre is more strained than ever before. Without volunteers, we can barely cover the basic maintenance costs of our centre and all our animals within it.
Until the illegal wildlife trade is ended, there will be animals that need rescuing. At WRC Jogja, the animals always come first, but without funding we cannot keep our doors open to those vulnerable creatures who need us!
We need your help to save the endangered wildlife of Indonesia.
About WRC Jogja
Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja was founded in June 2010 by Yayasan Konservasi Alam Yogyakarta Foundation (YKAY), though we have operated as a wildlife rescue since 2003. We are a sanctuary for a variety of Indonesian wildlife that have been saved from the illegal pet trade within the island of Java. 150 animals currently call WRC home, including orangutans, sun bears, macaques, gibbons, binturongs, parrots, cockatoos, cassowaries, birds of prey, crocodiles, turtles and several more.
Though we have received injured and orphaned wildlife found by citizens and police, the majority of our residents are rescued from the illegal wildlife trade.
Our ultimate goal for each animal is rehabilitation and release, so they can enjoy life in the wild the way they should. However, many animals that come to us suffer emotional trauma, permanent physical ailments, or have become too habituated to life with humans. For these reasons, many animals at WRC will remain in our care for the rest of their lives.
Our Future
Our primary goal is the rehabilitation and release of every animal that comes through our gates. However, it’s not as easy as it seems. Aside from issues with the individuals themselves, poaching, illegal trade, and lack of stable habitats make release very difficult in Indonesia. The process for releasing wildlife is very costly, to cover pre-release surveying, post-release monitoring, and several extra staff members.
Many animals in our care can never be rehabilitated due to mental or physical deficits, so we give them the best lives we can! Our facility was originally built to temporarily house rescued animals until they were ready for release or transfer. We did not anticipate so many permanent residents and as a result, many of our enclosures are less than ideal for life in captivity.
We would love to build large natural homes for our animals, or to rehabilitate them properly, but with our current financial situation, it is impossible. Most days, we struggle to pay simple upkeep costs, and staff wages often suffer.
This strain has been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, as we no longer have volunteers (and their associated fees) coming into the centre. We also face losing our land. Our contract with the government and local community ends in 2022 and we currently do not have the funds to renew it.
We have a plan to make our centre into a conservation and wildlife education area to protect it against commercial purposes. This would provide education and awareness to local communities, so our beautiful Indonesian environment can be preserved.
What Now?
Our primary goal is to keep our staff and animals safe. As a charity run solely on donations, we are doing our best to keep rescue, rehabilitation, and veterinary services available to the animals that still need our help. However, our resources have been stretched thin, and we need your support.
Our situation is dire, but with your help, we can raise awareness about WRC Jogja, and raise the money that we desperately need.
Help us maintain the security of our animals and the staff that depend on us everyday!
Instagram: @wrcjogja