Help Theatre Statesville Recover
Tax deductible
We're raising money to benefit Theatre Statesville. Sadly, their rehearsal and office space suffered a total loss in a fire early this morning in downtown Statesville, NC. Multiple businesses have been affected by this horrible tragedy. Theatre Statesville is a volunteer-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that exists to offer quality live theatre, provide lifelong learning opportunities, and foster creative expression throughout the community in a fiscally responsible manner.
Here is a link to the WBTV News article: https://www.wbtv.com/2023/04/25/fire-destroys-downtown-businesses-statesville/
From Theatre Statesville's Facebook: "Dear friends of Theatre Statesville: As you may have heard, a large fire broke out in downtown Statesville late last night. Unfortunately, our rehearsal studio at 109 W Broad Street was one of the buildings impacted by the fire. Our building is severely damaged and the fire department is still battling the flames. We are grateful that no one was injured, and we thank the many emergency responders for working tirelessly toward putting out the fire. Our thoughts are with the other business owners who were also impacted by this. This weekend's performances of ALADDIN JR. will continue AS PLANNED at Cornerstone Christian Academy. Please come support this amazing youth cast and all their hard work." Visit www.theatrestatesville.com for ticket and performance information.
Any donation will help make a big impact. They will be replacing all items that were in the building. 100% of the proceeds go directly to Theatre Statesville to support them financially as they move forward. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this theatre that means so much to each of us. Together, we're stronger. Together, we will help them through this. #StatesvilleTogether
Local Theatre Family
Newton, NC
Theatre Statesville