Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

HELP KAIDEN to live a fairly decent child's life!

Spende geschützt
Hi, my name is Diana Poe-McClung. I am sending the message below on behalf of Kaiden's immediate family.

Our family is so grateful to everyone who donated to the GO FUND ME for Kaiden. Because of your generosity we were able to put a down payment and purchase an adaptive vehicle for all of Kaiden's transportation needs. Kaiden will never be able to walk on his own and is becoming too heavy to lift, this adaptive van will provide for him, and most importantly it will help to keep his world from becoming smaller.

Also, we want to express our heartfelt thank you to Diana Poe-Mcclung for organizing this fundraiser

Thanks for your prayers and any donations that you have made.

Kaidens Family 

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Diana Poe McClung
Parkville, MD
Stephanie Poe

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