Help This Family To Get Food & School Fees
This husband Vianey was normal but one day he woke up and found his body becoming stiff and nobody organ functioning since that day up to now he cannot move and the wife is always lifting hence struggling to raise these children. the man is always asking for one thing, porridge the mother says she needs support so as to raise these children since they are many and the husband is also disabled. help them and save this family
The fundraiser was Created By Ineza Private on Behalf Of Afrimax he is in Charge Of Social Activities At the Afrimax Ltd Organization. All Donated Money will be Withdrawn on His Name and Then Transferred In Rwanda By Western Union Since GoFundMe Service doesn't Work In This Region, After All, Funds Delivered To Afrimax Ltd CEO, funds will Be Distributed to the beneficiaries.
We Post an Update On Each Successful Campaign On GoFundMe Page to make sure Your Donations Delivered and we make a Video Of Them Receiving Their Money and We Post It On YouTube.