Help Tianzhu's Family After Fatal Accident
Donation protected
My name is David Zhang, cousin-in-law and friend of Tianzhu Yuan.
In the late evening of November 25, 2022, Tianzhu texted his wife, Qian (Vicky), after a long day at work, telling her he’d be home soon. Unfortunately, that was the last message he sent to his wife, and he never returned home. Police notified the family the following day that Tianzhu Yuan was killed in a deadly head-on crash by another driver under the influence and driving in the wrong direction. Tianzhu's passing is felt throughout the family and friends, especially his vulnerable wife and two young children.
Tianzhu and Qian (Vicky) immigrated from China and married for the past eight years. They worked hard to raise their children, take care of their parents and dreamed of having their own restaurant business one day and sending their children to college. Together they have two lovely daughters. The older one is seven-year-old, and the younger one is just one-month-old (born prematurely at 3 lb 9oz). His mother flew in from China a few months back to see and help the young family as she hasn’t seen her son and grandchildren since pre-Covid. Tianzhu was born into a family of chefs who had their mom-and-pop restaurant business in his hometown, Hunan, China. Growing up, he worked in the kitchen and at the front desk. He was passionate about cooking and always spoke of his dream of providing locals with an authentic Hunan cuisine experience, and he tried everything he could to make it happen. Even though the couple had an unsuccessful experience a few years ago and lost their savings, Tianzhu and Vicky did not give up their dream and thought of starting again once they had enough saved up. Tianzhu was so kind, talented, and loved by his friends, coworkers and customers at the restaurant he worked at.
Tianzhu's unexpected sudden passing not only leaves Vicky and her family in immense grief but also puts the family in immediate financial turmoil and deprives the bright future he planned for his two daughters. I am raising money to help the family. Funds will be used directly on funeral expenses, wife and kids’ future needs and costs related to the family moving forward.
I appreciate your support during this unexpected and unimaginable time.
The case remains under investigation, and more details will be shared through this platform.
Related local news articles:
The case remains under investigation, and more details will be shared through this platform.
我叫 David Zhang,是袁天柱的表亲和朋友。
2022 年 11 月 25 日深夜,天柱在结束了漫长的一天工作后给他的妻子倩(Vicky) 发短信,告诉她他很快就会回家。不幸的是,那是他给妻子的最后一条信息,他再也没有回家。警方于次日通知其家人,袁天柱在另一名司机酒后逆向撞车事故中不幸遇难。对于家人和朋友来说这宛如一道晴天霹雳,尤其是他脆弱的妻子和两个年幼的孩子。
天柱和Vicky从中国移民过来,结婚八年了。他们努力工作抚养孩子,照顾父母,梦想有一天能拥有自己的餐厅事业。他们有两个可爱的女儿。大的七岁,小的才刚刚一个月(早产 3 磅 9 盎司)。两个月前,他的母亲刚从中国飞来,看望这个年轻的家庭并想竭力帮他们分担。这是自新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,她第一次看望她的儿子和孙女们。没想到事故发生得如此突然,这短短两个月竟成了母子最后的相伴。天柱出生于一个厨师世家,在他的家乡中国湖南父母曾经营一家夫妻小店。他也是从小在厨房和前台工作,历练。天柱总是谈到他的梦想,即为当地人提供地道的湘菜体验,并竭尽全力实现这一目标。尽管夫妻俩几年前有过一次不成功的经历,积蓄都花光了,但天柱和Vicky并没有放弃梦想,梦想着重新开始。天柱为人勤恳,和善、厨艺精湛,在朋友、同事间深受喜爱,顾客对他的评价也是赞不绝口。
天柱的意外去世无疑让 Vicky 和家人在悲痛与巨大经济负担之间难以招架。我正在筹钱帮助这个家庭。资金将直接用于丧葬费、妻子和孩子的未来需求以及与家庭未来发展相关的费用。
Organizer and beneficiary
David Zhang
Durham, CT
Qian Liu