Help Tim Save His Leg
Tim Broughton is facing imminent amputation of his left leg above the knee.
He was the victim of a negligent car driver who, in June of 2010, broadsided him as he was riding his motorcycle home on a Sunday afternoon. The car driver was judged to be entirely at fault but had minimum insurance so, after legal fees and court expenses, Tim received just $10,000 for what was a life changing event. These funds covered only a fraction of his medical costs.
Tim suffered two spinal fractures, three broken ribs, a separated shoulder and, most significantly, multiple breaks to his knee, tibia and fibula of his left leg. After eight surgeries and two months in the hospital he was released but due to open leg wounds and subsequent hardware implants, he has been suffering from chronic osteomyelitis, a condition that causes inflammation of the bone and marrow due to infection.
This condition is progressive and extremely difficult to treat and Tim has had various antibiotic treatments continuously for six years. They have, until now, kept the infections at bay but recently Tim has developed a deep bone marrow infection in his left leg. Due to his physical disability (he can only walk short distances, cannot stand for long and has had kidney complications due to the extended antibiotic therapy) Tim has struggled to work, exhausted his savings, and can no longer pay his rent.
He is now on Medi-Cal and has found an orthopedic surgeon willing to take what they will cover and remove the hardware, clean out the infection and insert additional healthy bone. But the missing component is the plastic surgeon required to perform the essential muscle and skin grafts. Medi-Cal, however, has refused to cover this additional cost, so we are attempting to raise funds to pay this surgeon. If we cannot, Tim WILL lose his leg.
We need whatever help you can offer. The money raised will be used entirely to cover the cost of the additional surgeon and to help pay Tim’s rent while he recovers.
Tim is a genuinely good man and the proud father of a two-year-old girl named, Candace. He is our dear friend and a man of incredible generosity and character, one who is deeply loved for both his loyalty and unconditional willingness to be of service to others. But now it’s Tim who needs our help. And the need is urgent.
Please help us bring Tim back to health again. Thank you!