Help Tina Gehring Beat Colon Cancer
Donation protected
This Go Fund Me is organized by family and friends for Tina Gehring who was fired from her job for having Cancer (more on that below in her story) and she is in desperate need of help.
Tina's Story
Tina was diagnosed with stage 3-4 Colon Cancer in July of 2021. Her tumor size was large, categorized as a 4, but it had only metastasized to her lymph nodes so the Cancer was categorized as a 3.
Tina is a widowed Mother with a daughter named Tatiana who is 12, turning 13 on Dec 19. Tina lost Tatiana’s Father who died suddenly when Tatiana was just 2 years old. Ever since, Tina has been nothing short of a “SUPER MOM” doing it all by herself for a decade+ now; working full time while balancing life, taking care of her daughter, paying the bills on her own and putting food on the table and she has NEVER needed help until now….
Tina was a legal assistant who was fired from her job right before the holidays, not because of her "stellar work performance" according to her boss, (even working after hours and remotely during Chemo treatments!!) but because she had Cancer. As her boss put it, “You’ll thank me for this later.” What kind of a human being fires someone right before Thanksgiving and the holidays who is fighting Cancer and struggling just to survive, not to mention having to pay hefty medical bills and support a 12 year old daughter completely on her own? The stress from being fired from her job coupled with being sick, and having to fight Cancer is something NO ONE should have to go through alone.
Her Treatment Plan and What She Needs
Tina is on her 4th month of chemotherapy, after this she will then begin radiation and a second round of chemotherapy, then (we hope) she will be able to have surgery to remove the large tumor she has. This will require a temporary (hopefully not permanent) colostomy bag (with a home nurse to help her) and then has to be followed up with a complete hysterectomy due to having pre-cancerous cells found in her reproductive organs. This is going to be a long and difficult haul for Tina and she is in desperate need of financial help with her medical bills and expenses immediately and moving forward into 2022.
Please Consider Helping Tina in her Fight.
Tina is a kind soul who would give the shirt off her back to someone in need. She has always gone above and beyond with her job, finding time to volunteer at her daughters school and even helping friends and family in need. It’s heart breaking to watch her go through all of this, and now a financial crisis on top of it all, yet, Tina keeps smiling through the tears, sickness and pain for her daughter Tatiana — she’s determined to beat Colon Cancer so her daughter isn’t all alone in this world, but she needs our help.
We hope you will join “Team Tina” to help in her fight to beat Colon Cancer. Thank you and may God bless you.
Venmo: @FiredforCancer
Venmo: @FiredforCancer
Organizer and beneficiary
Elizabeth Pitts
Pompano Beach, FL
Tina Gehring