Help to Mikhael Khrushch
Donation protected
Брати, сестри і друзі, я Роман Блекот з моїми хорошими друзями ( Вася, Степан та Микола Бабчуки, Міша Кружинський, Іван Хрущ та ще багато однодумців ) маємо бажання допомогти нашому брату Міші Хрущу трошки матеріально в його тяжкій даній сетуаціі. Сьогодні 29 лютого 2020 Міша поніс велику розлуку із своєю дружиною, яка відійшла у вічність. І за постійного догляду за дружиною Міша не міг працювати вже деякій час.
Відкликнімся з співчуттям та любов‘ю.
Brothers, sisters and friends, I am Roman Blekott with my good friends (Vasya, Stepan and Mykola Babchuk, Misha Kruzhinsky, Ivan Khrushch and many other like-minded people), we have the desire to help our brother Misha Khrushch a little financially in his difficult situation. Today, February 29, 2020, Misha suffered a great separation from his wife, who went into eternity. And with constant care of his wife Misha could not work for some time.
Let's respond with compassion and love.
Відкликнімся з співчуттям та любов‘ю.
Brothers, sisters and friends, I am Roman Blekott with my good friends (Vasya, Stepan and Mykola Babchuk, Misha Kruzhinsky, Ivan Khrushch and many other like-minded people), we have the desire to help our brother Misha Khrushch a little financially in his difficult situation. Today, February 29, 2020, Misha suffered a great separation from his wife, who went into eternity. And with constant care of his wife Misha could not work for some time.
Let's respond with compassion and love.
Organizer and beneficiary
Roman Blekot
Webster, NY
Mikhail Khrushch