Help to recover!
Donation protected
This is for my dear customers (in particular).
I have to apologise in advance. I’m really sorry that there is going to be a delay in me coming back to cleaning your windows (or gutters etc) due unexpected emergency surgery.
I’m not going to post any personal photos, you’ll be glad to know , due to the location of the issue: inguinal hernia.

(You can read more about it here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/inguinal-hernia-repair/ )
Some of you may recently have seen me pulling ‘funny faces’ while working due to the pain, nausea, and general feeling of extreme discomfort.
I noticed a ‘bulge’ some 5 weeks ago but wasn’t overly concerned and didn’t rush to see the doctors.
A couple weeks ago one morning I suddenly felt so much in pain, and so ‘sick’, that I insisted on seeing the doctor that same day. I thought I was going to die!
Though it couldn’t technically be classed as emergency (I had not been physically ‘sick’) she was quite concerned.
Due to NHS cutbacks etc you can’t have hernia repair surgery without applying for funding first Only if it suddenly turned life threatening, which it could at any given moment!
After two weeks there was still not reply from the people (lay men!) deciding on the funding. Despite repeated requests for urgent an decision…
After a telephone consultation yesterday, Wednesday 22/11, the doctor at my local surgery decided to call the hospital to see if they’d see treat me urgently regardless. She must have been really concerned!The duty consultant at Stoke Mandeville agreed to see me that day ☺️
After examining me he said the same as the GP regarding emergency etc etc…
But he also felt that, considering how I was feeling, particularly whilst working, and the possible risk of it suddenly becoming a medical urgency, it would not be wise to wait any longer.
“I need to make some phone calls”, he said.
A short while later he came back.
“Good news! We can do it! Either tomorrow, or else in 6 months time.”
We both agreed that 6 months was far too long a wait!!
So tomorrow (Thursday 23/11) it is!
7.30am I had to return to the hospital. From then, everything went so quick! Unbelievably quick!! Even the nurses couldn’t believe it!
I was ‘rushed’ through, though not carelessly. Thankfully…Especially considering that my case turned out to be more serious than expected - double hernia!
Behind the inguinal hernia (intestine coming through abdominal wall) was another smaller one where the bowel was coming through (sigmoid colon). That was the likely reason for the (almost) constant nauseous feeling
Although I was taken in as “elective emergency surgery”, the surgeon, Dr Richard Dumbell, felt very relieved afterwards that he had pushed for having the surgery done sooner rather than later. Really appreciate him following his “gut feeling”.
In the morning I just kept hearing my name being mentioned / called, or just “hernia”
So, 6 hours after turning up at the hospital I was going home. ☺️
I could not fault the staff - doctors, nurses, anaesthesiologists - in anyway!They were wonderful. Efficient, kind, and… just super duper!
Now… back to the reason for telling you all this…

The surgeon could not stress any more seriously that I should not do any window cleaning for the next 2 weeks!
And no heavy lifting (ie ladders, hose reels, etc) for 6 weeks!
Im not even allowed to go for a walk during the first week!
Have to also wear antiembolism stockings for at least a week to reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism (blood clots). Apparently there’s an increased risk of blood clots for up to 90 days after surgery
So…I’m really sorry to inform you all my work will have to pushed forward.
I fully understand if you can’t wait and find another window cleaner to service you.
Though… obviously, I hope that you are able to wait.
IF… you are ‘desperate’ to have your windows cleaned before Xmas I may be able to enlist a ‘helper’ to come and do it for you.
Please keep in mind, though, that this is a busy time of year, so advance notice would be much appreciated.
I will try to ease myself back into work as soon as possible, starting with properties that don’t require excessive straining. You will hear from me in due course…
Once again, I do apologise for any inconvenience, annoyance, or frustration caused.
In addition to my own frustration, and the feeling of letting everyone down, I will also be suffering financially, being self employed as I am.
If I am not out there working to earn money - we won’t be eating!
I hate begging.
In fact I’m not begging…
I’m just making you all aware of my situation (obviously because you won’t see me too soon, but also) so that, should your heart motivate you, you will have an opportunity to support me and my family.
I really don’t want to lose my business because of this!
Or my home…
Or vehicle…
Keeping also in mind that I’m the only breadwinner in the family due to my wife’s health condition…
So, if you’re a “man (or woman) of good will”, and your heart moves you, your contribution, no matter how small, would indeed be greatly appreciated.
No obligation off course! I know I’m not the only one ‘hard up’ these days…
Krister Laitinen