Help to survive a very difficult time after brain cancer
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Mano vardas Violeta. Niekada nemaniau, kad man reikės prašyti pagalbos. Mano vyrui Aurimui Maciunui vasario mėnesį buvo atlikta smegenų operacija. Baisi diagnozė Glioblastoma 4 stadija. Ilgai laukiau, o iki šiol pagalbos neprašiau. Tačiau pablogėjus vyro sveikatai buvau priversta kreiptis pagalbos. Jo sveikata kasdien silpsta, sunkiai vaikšto, nieko nesupranta. Esu beviltiškoje situacijoje ir negaliu susimokėti už butą, o šeimininkas nori mane iškeldinti. Turiu jį prižiūrėti 24 valandas per parą. Praėjusiais metais patyriau nelaimingą atsitikimą ir vis dar atsigaunu po traumų ir operacijos. Stengiuosi, kad mano vyras būtų sveikas, kiek galiu. Esu dėkingas už bet kokią paramą, ar tai būtų auka, veiksmas ar malda. Ačiū visiems iš visos širdies. Su meile ir dėkingumu Violeta
My name is Violeta. I never thought I would need to seek help. My husband Aurimas Mačiūnis underwent brain surgery in February. Scary diagnosis Glioblastoma stage 4. I waited a long time, and until now I did not ask for help. However, when my husband's health deteriorated, I was forced to seek help. His health is weakening every day, he has difficulty walking, and he does not understand anything. I'm in a desperate situation and I can't pay for the apartment and the landlord wants to evict me I have to look after him 24 hours a day. I had an accident last year and am still recovering from injuries and surgery. I try to keep my husband healthy as much as I can. My name is Violeta. I never thought I would need to seek help. My husband Aurimas Maciunas underwent brain surgery in February. Scary diagnosis Glioblastoma stage 4. I waited a long time, and until now I did not ask for help. However, when my husband's health deteriorated, I was forced to seek help. His health is weakening every day, he has difficulty walking, and he does not understand anything. I'm in a desperate situation and I can't pay for the apartment and the landlord wants to evict me. I have to look after him 24 hours a day. I had an accident last year and am still recovering from injuries and surgery. I try to keep my husband healthy as much as I can. I’m grateful for any support -whether it's a donation, a share, or a prayer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.With love and gratitude Violeta
Violeta Maciuniene
Palatine, IL